Tomy Vertigo
Organizacija in izvedba
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“Do what makes YOU happy. Focus on what brings Y
After a long time a concert I have truly enjoy. Co
Yesterday was a bit different than tomorrow. 🤩
''I don't want to be Anything other than what I've
Just a few years ago we did first big event and I
🔊 When the song hits you. 💣 🎶 This is th
✨This weekend (was very) special. ❤️ After a
👉 When thinking about the future it is good to
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year 🥰 . .
👉 It's all in, when king celebrates his birthda
👉 Making people dance is what makes me happy. .
👉 Love is like dancing on the cloud. ❤ We ma
👉 It was a night full of love and magic, we wil
👉 Just do whatever puts a smile on your face. P
👉 Life is made of small moments like this. Make
👉 You gotta have life your way. If you ain’t
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